Primary Currculums


Our curriculum delivers a personalized, creative learning experience for all our pupils and can be defined as everything we do and every experience the children have.

It is a carefully planned, thematic approach to teaching and learning designed to support children's natural curiosity and stimulate their creativity.

We offer and provide children the opportunity to work in depth, giving them the time they need to reflect, consolidate and transfer their learning. Independent learning alongside adult led learning has a high profile; we pay close attention to the differences between our children, planning activities to challenge and support rather than teach them as a homogenous whole.

Direct experience is placed at the centre of the curriculum so that teachers draw out and develop children's thinking and capacities in meaningful contexts. Knowledge, skills and understanding are expressed in a range of different media and ways, often making effective use of the creative arts. Children, adults and parents work with each other, drawing resources from the school, locality and wider community to create a challenging, distinctive and exciting curriculum which covers a broad range of curriculum areas:

  • Emotional intelligence,

  • Communication,

  • Creative arts,

  • Health and wellbeing,

  • Religious education,

  • Science, technology,

  • Outdoor education,

  • Physical education,

  • History and geography and citizenship.

All of these are taught to girls from the age of 4.

All our children have an entitlement to a well – resourced and rich learning environment that promotes their sense of responsibility and autonomy, helping children to become: successful learners, confident individuals, responsibly citizens and effective contributors. We plan a curriculum that reflects our community and the talents and interests of all our pupils. We believe that strong, effective relationships are at the heart of learning and our curriculum reflects our values of: Relationships, Independence, Creativity, Spirituality, Collaboration and Challenge.



















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